Meet Rich Steele, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor

Portrait of Rich Steele
Rich Steele, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor of Campus Enterprises

What was your job while you were a student?
For three years, I did research at The Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI). I also worked on Programming, Homecoming, Centennial and Marketing Committees.

What did you study in college?
I studied Chemical Engineering. I found it interesting to examine challenging problems and consider possible solutions.

Why do you like your job?
I like my job because I get to work with new, different areas, such as the Lonnie Poole Golf Course. I appreciate that Campus Enterprises continuously works to understand their clientele and their needs. There is always opportunity to improve and I believe Camus Enterprises strives to make things a little nicer every day.

If you were a Howling Cow Ice Cream flavor what flavor would you be and why?
I would be Banana Pudding because it brings back fond memories. I grew up in Georgia and I believe it is a very southern, indulgent flavor. I remember eating it growing up at birthdays and on special occasions. Even now, if I see it on a menu, I just have to order it.